Business finance - borrowing the money

Business finance and loans

How much can you borrow?

The amount lent to any given person or organisation is usually limited by the collateral they can provide and their ability to repay the loan. When seeking business finance and borrowing the money - the larger the business loan, the more security required and the greater the repayments need to be.

Business Finance

Generally speaking banks will lend between 40 to 60% of the purchase price of the business. If it’s a well recognized franchise it could be at the upper end of this or even a little more. Lending will depend on a number of things, like the type of business, its cash flow, history, and your experience to operate such a business. Also the mix of plant, stock and goodwill will play a part in determining how much they will lend. 

For the likes of a Commercial building, Motel, Hotels etc. (land and buildings), banks tend to lend 50 to 65% of the valuation. The more secure the asset and the better the cash flow, then the more favourable their evaluation. 

Things that can impact on your business borrowing
Lenders will look at your assets and liabilities as well as the assets of the business. They will then consider the debt servicing ability of the business and any other outside income you can introduce or debt you are currently servicing. 

Business loan security and collateral requirements
Houses are great - Banks will usually lend 80 % of the value of your home and or rental properties. This often becomes a good option as borrowing against the residual equity (value of house – debt) in your home can be more attractive as residential rates are more attractive than paying business finance rates. 

Life Insurance Policies can be used as security if they have a “cash surrender” value. 

There are few lenders who will consider plant and equipment for security, and these are unlikely to go to 65 or 70%. 

For more check out Business Finance.

By Richard O'Brien - nzbizbuysell

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