Legal and Employment Articles
When buying a business what business structure will you use? Your business structure needs to be carefully planned and customised to your needs. You will also need to gain a good understanding of the consumer law that governs your business. In NZ your employees will be covered by the Employment Relations Act (2000) and other legislation, what will this mean for your business?-
Business insurance - protecting your business
Business insurance - protecting your business
Protecting your business and assets is sound business practice. It is important to choose the correct mix of Business Insurance policies at the right... -
Do I need to register my business as a company?
Do I need to register my business as a company?
While the requirements to operate a company are relatively simple, people usually only incorporate a company to obtain a specific benefit when tradin... -
Recruitment tips for small businesses
Recruitment tips for small businesses
Good staff are the backbone of any business, small or large. Getting the right people can be time consuming, frustrating and sometimes fruitless, but... -
Considering employment issues when buying a business
Considering employment issues when buying a business
Are you looking to buy a business? Have you stopped to think about whether you want to employ some or all the existing employees? Many new busin... -
How to structure a family owned business
How to structure a family owned business
Many businesses in New Zealand are family owned and managed. Some are large and financially very stable but the majority are mom and dad owned busine... -
What is a company?
What is a company?
When people decide to start or buy a business, they generally do so in one of three ways: as a sole trader, in partnership, or through a company. Apa...
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