Writing a business plan and some tips to help

Writing a business plan

Business plans – the good, the bad, and the ugly

A good business plan provides a step-by-step guide for the way you want your business to operate over the coming year or more and it should direct every decision you make going forward.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits all formula, but there are some definite dos and don’ts that can help you create a plan that fits your business and serves its purpose.

Types of business plans

The type of business plan you need and the sections within it depend on what purpose you need it to serve. There are three main types based on what you are trying to achieve:

- Strategic – These plans are often less structured and more conceptual. They are great for start-ups – when you are trying to transform an idea into a workable business model.

- Functional – A functional or operational business plan is what you need if you have a goal or direction for your business and you need your staff to get on board.

- Financing – If you are looking for investors, you need a business plan that focuses on the strengths and potential of your business. This type of plan will be more formal, factual and comprehensive, and assumes no prior knowledge of your business.

Although these types of plans serve very different purposes, they all still function as a roadmap for your business – and there are some common tips to ensure your plan is effective no matter what its purpose.

A good business plan...

A bad business plan...

An ugly business plan...


A well-considered and well-written business plan will improve your business’s chance for success significantly. It’s worth the effort, and if you know your business well, it won’t be as big an effort as you think.

If you want a better business, then plan for success. Download our simple one-page business plan template and get further information from the ANZ Business Hub.


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