The one page business plan

"Business planning helps you clarify your vision and keep track of the right and most important things"

The one page business planYour plan is a road map to where you want to go, and identifies the key milestones you need to achieve in order to meet your goals.

The simple act of writing down your ideas and outlining how the business will work will help ensure that you clarify and communicate your vision so everyone is on the same page. It also helps you identify what's important, and helps you benchmark your business as it grows.

Without a plan, you’ll find it more difficult to stay focused on whats important and to communicate your vision.

Here are some business planning tips:

Your business plan will reflect your goals, the purpose of your business, your products or services, where you are now, where you're going, and how you're going to get there. Doing a successful business plan takes careful planning, and a commitment to action. Plans need to be updated, and reviewed regularly. A business plan is a working documents and need to be used.

Download your free copy of our simple Business Plan - this will give you and your staff a road map to guide you to your business goals.

download/print version here



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