Growing your Business Articles
Growing your business is important for the survival and economic well-being of your business. One way of growing your business is to get new customers. However, the customers you already have can be a better and more cost-effective option for increasing your sales, as they are already buying from you. Another worthy option is to acquire more business through business acquisition where you buy a business or competitor.-
Building business momentum
Building business momentum
Business Momentum – Build A Wave And Ride It! It’s a great feeling when business is good. Maybe you’ve had a small win, and that le... -
Business survival through adaptation
Business survival through adaptation
Evolve or dissolve – businesses need to adapt to survive, grow and one day be sold. Struggling businesses are hard to sell unless there is a ... -
How to future proof your business
How to future proof your business
Sticking to the status quo is a surefire way to drive your business into the ground. If what you are doing now is working well, it’s a pretty... -
The power of a great testimonial
The power of a great testimonial
No one wants to hear someone harp on about how great their own product or service is – it’s perceived as being either boastful or dising... -
Using trust to help you compete in business
Using trust to help you compete in business
Trust – it’s how small business can compete with big business, and win Let’s face it – it’s not an even playing field. Big bu... -
How to avoid small business burnout
How to avoid small business burnout
Do you think of your business as your baby? Does it occupy all your thoughts? Do you lose sleep over it? Do you find it hard to get away? If you ... -
Being present to plan the future
Being present to plan the future
In business we talk a lot about growth. If your business is growing then you’re doing well, right? Well it’s true that growth is a sign... -
Support New Zealand by buying locally
Support New Zealand by buying locally
COVID-19 is currently having a significant impact on the New Zealand economy and on small business. While the government has put measures in p... -
7 strategies for uncertain times in business
7 strategies for uncertain times in business
With the arrival of COVID-19 in New Zealand, we are experiencing challenging times in all spheres. With swings in global and local economies, changi... -
Why organistional culture is important
Why organistional culture is important
Organisational culture – more than just a business buzzword Every organisation has a culture. It’s the system of shared assumptions, va... -
Why KPIs are important for your business
Why KPIs are important for your business
Most small businesses have a business plan and a set of strategic goals. However, defining your goals and checking in once a year when you update... -
Discipline and execution for business success
Discipline and execution for business success
When running a business, discipline and execution are crucial to your success – and one definitely comes before the other. In order to execute... -
How to boost your New Year retail sales
How to boost your New Year retail sales
Boosting sales after the Christmas rush Year on year, Christmas sales around the world steadily grow. We are spending more than ever and there are ... -
How to prioritise your social media efforts
How to prioritise your social media efforts
How to prioritise social media The evolution of social media has been swift. It’s gone from ‘something to experiment with’ to &l... -
Small business lessons from David and Goliath
Small business lessons from David and Goliath
If you don’t know the story, here’s a recap: David was a shepherd boy in Israel who offered to fight the giant Goliath when everyone e... -
Why competition is good for business
Why competition is good for business
Five reasons why competition is good for your business It may not always feel like it, but competition is actually good for business. Remember tha... -
The five-step fresh start
The five-step fresh start
Get ready for the five-step fresh start Feeling a little lacklustre as the New Year rolls in? Maybe it’s time to take stock, think about the fu... -
How to grow a tourism business
How to grow a tourism business
Clean, green New Zealand …the land of the long white cloud …100% pure NZ. Our reputation is strong around the globe and it bri... -
Managing change for small businesses
Managing change for small businesses
The importance of managing change for small businesses Don’t be afraid of change, they say. But the reality is, change is scary and it affect... -
5 common reasons why businesses can fail
5 common reasons why businesses can fail
Lessons to learn from business failure No one likes to fail. In business, there’s money, pride and even livelihoods on the line. However, as ... -
How to survive the holiday season and still come out on top
How to survive the holiday season and still come out on top
Surviving the holidays while owning a small business When the countdown to Christmas is on, most small business owners are more preoccupied about s... -
Get focused to increase the value of your business
Get focused to increase the value of your business
Reflect, recharge and refocus to increase the value of your business Taking time to reflect, recharge and refocus isn’t just good for your s... -
How to grow your new business
How to grow your new business
The success of your new business depends on your ability to keep it profitable. Stay in the black and your business will survive, but grow your busi... -
Why innovation is important for business
Why innovation is important for business
Small businesses and why innovation is important Small business owners have to be multitaskers. There’s an awful lot of skills they need in t...
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