What makes a successful small business owner

Ever think some businesses are just destined to succeed? Maybe they’ve got a great product or maybe they found a real niche and sales just took off. You may be surprised to know that small business success actually has more to do with the person running the show than with the product or service itself.

The 8 characteristics of a successful business owner?

We’ve taken a good hard look at all the shining lights out there to determine what they have in common.

Here’s our list of the qualities that make a successful small business owner. Read on to find out it you’ve got what it takes…

Something else to consider is what’s not on the list: academic ability. How academic you are or how well you did at school has very little bearing on how successful your business will be. While having the traits above is still no guarantee of success, one thing’s for sure, they will take you much further than your old exam results will.

If you think you’ve got what it takes, here are the nine steps to buying a business.

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