Geoff Smart
Bayleys Canterbury
Geoff is a seasoned business sales specialist with over 20 years’ experience. A director of the business brokering division of Bayleys Christchurch. Geoff achieves business sales results in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, distribution, retail and service. His experience and knowledge has him specialising in bigger sales, from $1,000,000 to $10,000,000.
Geoff has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Canterbury University and has a particular interest in entrepreneurship and small business management.
Geoff’s ability to achieve outstanding results is based on his personal business ownership experience, having started and operated a number of businesses from the age of 22 employing up to 150 staff. He has been the Chair of a national franchise group and has an understanding of many business sectors.
Geoff is fully committed to serving the best interests of his clients and adheres to strict levels of confidentiality, tailored to each business owner’s requirements. He delivers results with strengths in analysis, information preparation and presentation, ethical conduct, negotiation skills and a sense of duty to his clients.
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