AD ID: 126991

Truss & Frame Plant Business for Sale Central Otago

incl stock and plant

Retiring Owner

Truss & Frame Plant Business for Sale Central Otago

Why buy this Truss & Frame Plant Business

Truss & Frame Plant Business for Sale Central Otago

The Business

Consistently generating around $2m + GST sales this business has consistently returned a working owner $200k + income, and occasionally much more. It satisfies demand from its growing local population and provides a very sound platform from which a new owner can enjoy similar returns or target growth. To date the business has simply responded to market demand, driven by referral business and growth is available through:

  • Adding technology and/or systems to the current relatively manual processes
  • Add staff (recently increased due to growing market demand)
  • Proactive business development initiatives


For the purposes of sale the plant & equipment has been valued at $175k and includes a new automated Spida Apollo Saw, a variety of drop saws, rip saw & band saw, dust extractors, gantries, forklifts, presses, and assorted nail guns, tools & jigs etc. The estimated market value of all the plant is close to $250k.

Stock is sourced from domestic suppliers and can generally be available at short notice and closing stock in March 2024 was $81k with a similar level expected at settlement date.

Business Resources

The Buyer

The current owner does a lot of detailing from house plans, using Mitek software and also spends time in the factory. It is expected that the buyer of this business will understand the construction market and/or houses come together. Perhaps a builder wishing to get away from the daily grind of being “on the tools”. The business could also be a useful bolt-on for an existing operator wanting exposure to a high-growth market.

First time on the market in 30 years – this is a very sound opportunity!

Sale Price  $495,000 including stock & plant

EBPITD $202,845

For more info Contact:

Damien Fahey

0276 853 536
Tabak Business Sales (Christchurch)
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: L001668
Damien Fahey
Tabak Business Sales (Christchurch)

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