AD ID: 126941
Electrical Contracting Business for Sale South Waikato
Electrical Contracting Business in South Waikato

Why buy this Electrical Contracting Business
Electrical Contracting Business for Sale South Waikato
Are you lookingfor an electrical contracting business as an addition to your existing operations or one you can run and manage yourself?We have a very tidy operation in South Waikato that is well diversified over the rural, commercial and residential segments. The business is owner operated with the support of operational management staff and an awesome team of qualified and apprentice electricians.
This business is showing strong financial performance.
* Good Location in a comfortablebuilding
* Highly skilled staff (industrial electricians)
* Operational management structure in place
* Key Staff able to be promoted
* Diversified over 4 segments. Rural, Residential, Commercial and Underground
* SDE was on a weighted three year average.
Being sold as an asset sale. Enquire now to learn more from Andrew Whyte about this electrical contracting business.
Andrew Whyte
022 0970
***Some details of the business for sale are confidential and can only be disclosed upon contacting the broker and a completion of a Confidentiality Agreement. Due to the confidentiality of this business a stock photo image may be used to represent the business.
#wesellbusinesses #buyajob #electrical #services #waikato
Ref: WK00473
Timestamp: 20250306104502
For more info Contact:
Andrew Whyte, BMS
+64 22 097 0065 or +64 7 260 1180
LINK Waikato
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: WK00473
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: WK00473

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