AD ID: 126891

Takeaway Site Business Opportunity for Sale Auckland


Takeaway (Closed Down) in Busy Prime Location with Valued Chattels - (CML 11207)

Takeaway Site Business Opportunity for Sale Auckland

Why buy this Takeaway Site Business

Takeaway Site Business Opportunity for Sale Auckland

Takeaway (Closed Down) located in a prime location near Albany Shopping Mall. This business is surrounded by busy commercial blocks providing customers to cater to.

A natural gas system is in place, along with the chattels to operate the business. There is seating available for around 20 patrons.

This Takeaway would be suitable to change to another type of cuisine if a new owner desired....maybe a cafe or burger bar!

The current owner has other business commitments providing an opportunity for a new owner to create their takeaway dream and define their days and hours.

Don't miss this opportunity to realise your next hospitality venture!

Price: $79,000.

Call Kevin Lee on 021 575 898 for more details.

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Property Code: 11207

For more info Contact:

Kevin Lee

021575898 or +64 9 630 9491
Clyth MacLeod Business Sales
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: clythmacleod_73_4122
Kevin Lee
Clyth MacLeod Ltd

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