AD ID: 126727

Leisure Entertainment Equipment Business for Sale Katikati


Cash business Low cost base No Staff Easy to run Choose the days you work Travel around the central North Island(suit RV owner)

Leisure Entertainment Equipment Business for Sale Katikati

Why buy this Leisure Entertainment Equipment Business

Leisure Entertainment Equipment Business for Sale Katikati

Are you searching for a home based business that you can utilise your business skills to grow,? Look no further.

Airheads supplies full size Dynamo (made in Texas) air hockey tables to holiday parks, kiddies playlands, trampoline parks and similar business where their customers have time to spare. We do not provide to private functions, only business to business

Classic Kiddie Rides supplies older model kiddie rides, (kiddie rides from your past) to playlands and a range of different retail shops where the owners want a point of difference for their customers

The potential to grow the business is unlimited, just requires some enthusiasm.

We have owned Airheads for 23 years and Classic Kiddie Rides for 13 years and it is past time to retire hence the two businesses are for sale as a unit and will not be broken up.

For sale well below asset value, contact us for further details

Business Resources

All kiddie rides and air hockey tables are very simple to upgrade, only requires basic handyman skills

Simple accounting and spreadsheet records of all equipment.

Sale includes 91 kiddie rides, 41 air hockey tables, numerous spare parts, handling equipment including a reg&wof trailer, some tools and moulds for a new kiddie ride

For more info Contact:

Ron Managh

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