AD ID: 126710

Manufacturing Business for Sale Christchurch

incl stock & plant

Niche Market; Credible Supplier; Excellent Plant; GM/Operations Manager in situ

Manufacturing Business for Sale Christchurch

Why buy this Manufacturing Business

Manufacturing Business for Sale Christchurch


This niche manufacturer is a key supplier within its market. Revenue streams are from primarily B2B sales (some B2C and potential here) and there is a well-established manufacturing facility, with site rental only about 3% of sales. Now averaging sales approaching $200k + GST per month, the business enjoys competitive advantage by way of their significant investment in plant, the subsequent improving margins and their technically competent, loyal and stable workforce.

Plant, Equipment & Location

The business operates from a leased facility with plenty of parking. Insightful investment in plant & machinery in recent years means that very little must be invested in the foreseeable future. This business showcases a well-organised, tidy and safe manufacturing facility that is compliant with all regulatory requirements, which is also a source of competitive advantage. Stock & plant have an estimated value of circa $800k.


Purchase influencers are architects, specifiers, interior designers, joiners and builders that focus on the mid to upper end of their particular markets. This business supplies both the domestic and commercial markets with quality products that are sought after in both new builds and refurbishments.

Business Resources

The Buyer

A GM with operational strengths runs the day-to-day business, so the key skills required by the new owner will be:

·        Some focus on business development and consolidating the B2B client base

·        An ability to understand plans & drawings

·        A practical disposition would be useful but is not totally necessary as the owner does not need to be “on the tools”

·        Experience in looking after clients; and oversight of the business systems and its people

·        Insights into how the business can improve its “digital presence” in the market

 Sale Price                    $1,195,000 incl. stock & plant

Net surplus                 $450,000 EBPITD

                                     $360,000 EBITDA


EBPITD – earnings to a full time working owner, prior to their salary                       

EBITDA - Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Amortisation (after GM/Ops Mgr has been paid

For more info Contact:

Damien Fahey

Tabak Business Sales (Christchurch)
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: L001663
Damien Fahey
Tabak Business Sales (Christchurch)

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