AD ID: 125809

Coffee Espresso Bar for Sale Auckland


Coffee Heaven! 350kg Per Week!

Coffee Espresso Bar for Sale Auckland

Why buy this Coffee Espresso Bar Business

Coffee Espresso Bar for Sale Auckland

Super simple coffee company with NO roasting and a couple of options

OPTION 1 - PRICE $425,000

Own the coffee side of things and also own the espresso bar.

OPTION 2 - PRICE $375,000

Just buy the coffee side of things with no espresso bar

This is a really simple business with not many moving parts. It's also a business you canGROW!

Strong brandthatsellsover 350kgof roasted coffee beans per weekmainly to other cafes. There is heaps of growth potential here as it has been run (essentially) under management for around 3 years now. Some fresh energy could really reap rewards.

The brand is well-definedand there isstrong Intellectual Property, a bunch of customers (mainly with a machine and grinder on loan to tie them in),a decent inventory of machines and grinderson loan to customers and some packaging material.

This is the 'window' to your brand. It's a cool little spot with LOW rent and it does just under $4k per week in sales so can be operated by 1 person.It's also open justMonday to Friday!

This business sells to wholesale (cafe) and contract customers and also enjoys some direct sales via its website.

You will probably drink and enjoy coffee!You will probably want to learn more about coffee, but you do NOT need roasting experience at all. You will be someone that wants a super simple to run business where you justfocus on building the brandand making sure your existing customers are happy.

If you keep the current staff, you do need even toknow how to make coffee.Alternatively - you may be a Barista wanting to take that big step in top coffee entrepreneur-ism!

This one will make you around$145,000 to a full-time working ownerso get in quick and enjoy this fabulousMonday to Friday lifestyle option!

Asking $425,000 plus stock

Nick Giles, 021 676 832,

***Some details of the business for sale are confidential and can only be disclosed upon contacting the broker and a completion of a Confidentiality Agreement. Due to the confidentiality of this business a stock photo image may be used to represent the business.
#wesellbusinesses #buyajob #hosp#food #cafe
Ref: EL04719
Timestamp: 20250314011502
For more info Contact:

Nick Giles

+64 21 676 832 or +64 9 555 6039
Link Business (Ellerslie)
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: EL04719
Link Business Broking Ltd

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