Commercial & Domestic Laundry Business for Sale Bay of Plenty
Hugely popular and successful business established for decades is for sale due to the owner wanting to retire.
Why buy this Commercial & Domestic Laundry Business
Commercial & Domestic Laundry Business for Sale Bay of Plenty
Rarely does an opportunity come along like this:
Hugely successful
Popular and growing part of BOP
In operation for decades
Massive scope for easy growth!
Wonderful staff, systems and operations
Lots of brand new equipment
In much needed industry, can never have a down-turn
Lack of competitors
Huge amount of secure long term clients
This is one of the best businesses available.
Business Resources
Well established staff, with ready pipeline for more if required.
Highly systemized, this business can be run with an operations manager and the owner's input can be minimal.
Massive scope for growth!