AD ID: 124523

Bakery Business for Sale Napier


Top Bakery for Sale - Pie and Patty Pan Bakery

Bakery Business for Sale Napier

Why buy this Bakery Business

Bakery Business for Sale Napier

One of the best bakeries around is now on the market for the first time in 10 years.
* Operated for 40 years
* Extensive parking
* On Kennedy Road, one of the busiest roads in Napier
* In a residential area with many motels also close by
* Well equipped kitchen/bakery
* Extra Equipment to cover breakdowns
* Products baked on site daily
* Some outdoor seating for customers
* Separate office with multiple printers for labels, cake images for special cakes and a standard printer
* Deliveries to back gate so not coming through retail space or bakery
* Owner only working around 15 hours a week
* Staff capable of running the business - owner just been overseas for nearly two months

This is a much loved bakery that has seen multi generations of the same family buy their yummy sandwiches, cakes, slices from here.
So if you are looking for a well established business, here it is. Great turnover, yes indeed. Great equipment that has been well maintained and updated when needed, yes to that as well. Good return to owner, yes but he only works short hours so wages are higher than they would be with a full-time working owner.
This is a great business which needs a new owner as the current owner wants to move on to a different undertaking which is not food related.Price $379,000
Contact Cathy now to find out more!

Cathy Thomson,027 592 6600,

***Some details of the business for sale are confidential and can only be disclosed upon contacting the broker and a completion of a Confidentiality Agreement. Due to the confidentiality of this business a stock photo image may be used to represent the business.
#wesellbusinesses #buyajob#bakery #napier
Ref: BOP00770
Timestamp: 20250127114502
For more info Contact:

Cathy Thomson

07 579 4994 or 027 592 6600
LINK Bay of Plenty
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: BOP00770
Bay Business Brokers Ltd

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