AD ID: 124294

Roofing Business for Sale Auckland


NZ's Best Roofing Company

Roofing Business for Sale Auckland

Why buy this Roofing Business

Roofing Business for Sale Auckland

$1,050,000 Profit

This well-established Roofing business has been operating successfully for over 20 years in a major regional town in the North Island.

With a high profile, the owners have built the business into the enviable position of being one of the largest companies in the region providing a comprehensive suite of roofing services.

The owners have weathered all the ups and downs of the economy over the last 20 years, and have set a great platform for the next new owner.

This has been achieved by focusing on building a diverse range of clients, great team, quality roofing solutions and providing outstanding service:

- Residential

- Commercial

- Industrial

- Council

There is a strong pipeline of work for a new owner to step into:

- Confirmed work $1,000,000

- Quoted work $1,000,000

This business would be ideal as an acquisition for an existing roofing contractor, a construction business or an entrepreneur looking for an outstanding profitable business.

For more information contact Neil Cammell 0272133100

Property Code: 214
For more info Contact:

Neil Cammell

0272133100 or 0800 777 731
NZ Business Brokers
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: nzbusiness_77_185
NZ Business Brokers - Proactivity Ltd

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