AD ID: 122930
Accommodation Business for Sale Tauranga
Beaumont Apartments & Freehold Opportunity

Why buy this Accommodation Business
Accommodation Business for Sale Tauranga
Not to be missed! The Beaumont is one of the most iconic tourism accommodation complexes in the Mount and this lucrative Management Rights business is coupled with a high value apartment, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom and 3 valuable car parks! These apartments are highly sought-after, and few come to the market. This is without question, a high quality, very lucrative Mt Maunganui tourism accommodation business!
* Huge net profit, and still growing!
* 27% Return on the Business!
* Large letting pool numbers generating an impressive income
* High value FREEHOLD 2-bedroom/2-bathroom apartment with 3 carparks!
Known as New Zealand's Riviera, Mount Maunganui is a 365 day a year destination - within an easy 3 hours from 1/3rd of NZ population, with the cafes & restaurants, the iconic golden sands of the near-by beaches and a vibrancy which attracts visitors from far and wide, ensuring a consistent, enviable bottom line and lifestyle.
Don't delay - Call Ross or Gordon now!
Ross Candy,027 223 3696,
Gordon Fridge, 022 156 9330,
***Some details of the business for sale are confidential and can only be disclosed upon contacting the broker and a completion of a Confidentiality Agreement. Due to the confidentiality of this business a stock photo image may be used to represent the business.
#wesellbusinesses #accommodation #freehold #apartments
Ref: BOP00737
Timestamp: 20240623094502
For more info Contact:
Ross Candy
07 579 4994 or 027 223 3696
LINK Bay of Plenty
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: BOP00737
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: BOP00737

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