AD ID: 122395
Cleaning Business for Sale Waiheke Island Auckland
On the Spot Cleaning Services on Waiheke Island is For Sale

Why buy this Cleaning Business
Cleaning Business for Sale Waiheke Island Auckland
This 4.9 star google rated business has a spread of residential & commercial customers. It serves the very strong demand from global and domestic tourists. Has a diverse range of services that spreads from fabric protection to general and specialized cleaning, flood restoration & structural drying.
* Ecofriendly product options used wherever possible.
* Good software drives the business operations.
* Experienced staff.
* 2 part-time working owners work up to 15-20 hours per week in total.
* Potential to expand into other Auckland areas.
An exceptional service provider platform, located in a strong demand market, is ready to reward you!
Enquire now.
Laurie Hatton, 027 882 9457,
***Some details of the business for sale are confidential and can only be disclosed upon contacting the broker and a completion of a Confidentiality Agreement. Due to the confidentiality of this business a stock photo image may be used to represent the business.
#wesellbusinesses #buyajob#cleaning #waihekeisland
Ref: EL04465
Timestamp: 20240927011502
For more info Contact:
Laurie Hatton
09 579 9226 or 027 882 9457
Link Business (Ellerslie)
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: EL04465
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: EL04465

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