Safety in Construction, Civil & Sports Business for Sale Wellington
The business provides a wide range of essential products & services keeping people safe.

Why buy this Safety in Construction, Civil & Sports Business
Safety in Construction, Civil & Sports Business for Sale Wellington
Customers fall into various categories including utilities, construction, commercial | industrial property owners, sports and civil.
Business highlights include;
- Year on year growth over the past 4 years
- Owner retiring and available to provide transition support
- Nationwide customers
- FY24 turnover $2.0m
Business Resources
The owner has technical capability attending quoting and project management. They have a team of technicians and installers with specialist skills on the tools.
Net Surplus: $510,000 EBPITD FY24
Net Surplus: $385,000 EBPITD FY23
EBPITD: Earnings before ONE proprietors income, interest, tax, depreciation
Brodie Wilson
Working Hours
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: L001550