AD ID: 116749
Emission Data Management Business for Sale Auckland
SAAS growth opportunity with $800K ARR and $700K SDE
Why buy this Emission Data Management Business
Emission Data Management Business for Sale Auckland
This business is ideal for an SaaS entrepreneur with the ability to scale the business, it will deliver healthy cashflows and profitability while you do that with $800K in recurring revenue annually.Customers are typically blue-chip SOE's, Education, Healthcare and Councils.
Opportunities like this are rare; the chance to buy a consistent EBITPDA of $700K p.a. while you plan the growth of this 30 year old SAAS company that boasts impressive clients.
Achieve outstanding financial returns in a high growth sector. Will suit an ethical investor.
Enquiries circa $3,000,000 to include all IP.
For more info Contact:
Elaine Ford

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