Asian Style Restaurant for Sale Tauranga CBD
Asian Style Restaurant In Premium CBD Location.

Why buy this Asian Style Restaurant Business
Asian Style Restaurant for Sale Tauranga CBD
This currently Vietnamese cuisine restaurant is located in the middle of Tauranga's premium restaurant dining area of Wharf Street. Absolutely the very best location in town.
Consider the following points.
* The very best location for a restaurant in Tauranga. You couldn't do better than be here in Tauranga's "Eat St"
* Currently Vietnamese but the fabulously appointed kitchen could do any style you wish.
* The fit and presentation is stunning and was done with no expense spared. No need for upgrades here..!
* A fantastic array of top quality gear that will set you up for years to come.
* Seating for approx 65 indoors and outdoors with the popular outdoor dining area being perfect for the warmer months coming.
* A very reasonable rent of approx $40k per year along with good terms of lease and a supportive landlord.
* Current turnover of around $300k per year and growing steadily.
You should be as this is a superb local business, especially for a working couple.
Peter Redward, 027 492 0453,
***Some details of the business for sale are confidential and can only be disclosed upon contacting the broker and a completion of a Confidentiality Agreement.
#buyabusiness #hospitality #tauranga #wesellbusinesses #restaurant #food
Ref: BOP00509
Timestamp: 20240507051507
Peter Redward
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: BOP00509